Classification of Services Pdf l

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Classification of Services Pdf

classification of civil engineering services 

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In today’s modern world, services play a significant role in our daily lives. From professional assistance to leisure activities, services cater to a wide range of needs. To effectively understand and manage services, classification becomes essential. This article explores the classification of services, highlighting the different types and their benefits.

What are Services?

Services can be defined as intangible activities provided by one party to another, usually in exchange for payment. Unlike physical products, services are experiences or actions that satisfy specific needs or wants.

They are characterized by their intangibility, heterogeneity, inseparability, and perishability. To better comprehend and categorize services, classification systems are employed.

Importance of Classification

Service classification serves several vital purposes. Firstly, it helps in organizing and structuring services into meaningful categories. This facilitates efficient management, marketing, and decision-making processes.

Classification also aids in identifying common characteristics, distinguishing features, and unique aspects of different services. Moreover, it enables businesses to evaluate and compare services, enabling them to tailor their offerings to specific target markets.